Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Literary World News of Sylvia Hubbard: Events, Being#1 & UPDATE on Part9

Hello Hello Hello!

Before we start anything, please forward this out to all the readers and interested people you know. Thanks

I haven't done a newsletter in so long, but I thought I'd get in touch with everyone of what's going on with me.

First Events. Below is the listing of my current event calendar. If I forgot something would someone please let me know.

I would like to do more book talks so if you'd like to invite me to your book club, writing group (where I'm talking about my writing process) or even your schools to speak during lectures about reading and writing I would be honored if you would contact me.


I'll be at this event speaking about how to be a busy mother and writer, turn out great kids and handle the pressure of single parenthood in the 21st century. It's free! Go to http://iamwoman.org for more information

November 10Tuesday

November 13Friday

November 17Tuesday

November 21Saturday

Second Trying to Become #1. Remember all those times you said you would help me become number one? Well, I have a great opportunity to show off my mailing list.

I'm trying to get my FREE book LOVE LIKE LIKE to the number one spot at http://smashwords.com. And I need your help.

Click on the link and forward it to all your socials and your mailing lists of readers and others who would be interested in reading the book. http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1191.


Love Like This
Ebook Price: Free! 40120 words. Fiction by Sylvia Hubbard on March 11, 2009
Angered that his wife would sleep with his brother, Ethan swore revenge. To his surprise, he becomes involved with the one person his wife never wanted him to get close to...her daughter, Nicole. Once Ethan leaves his wife penniless and then breaks Nicoles heart his revenge will be complete. Too bad Ethan didn't expect to fall in love with Nicole.


And of course, Third is The Mysterious Mr. Black Update.

Live Story being posted on the site and I want to thank the many readers for participating and commenting. Stats are increasing and it's wonderful to know how much your are enjoying on it.

Just posted Part 9 today. The story itself is moving fast in my brain and I'm getting a very clear picture of the direction of this story. No I don't know when I might be killing anyone and no i have no idea what's to come or the ending. Really I don't.

  • Protected: The Mysterious Mr. Black Part 9

    Posted: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 04:04:44 +0000
    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

    Read free stories from romance suspense, sensual noir author from Detroit, Sylvia Hubbard

The Mysterious Mr. Black

I've also unprotected the following excerpt in case you were interested in checking out The Mysterious Mr. Black

Book Introduction:

Jen (the woman) is having a very bad life with nowhere to go but up. Fate brings a mysterious stranger to her, yet she can't figure out if he's for the good or the worse.

The Mysterious Mr. Black Part 1 FULL EXCERPT

Sylvia Hubbard
Author, Blogger and Founder of Motown Writers Network & The African American Electronic Literary Network

Author of Romance & Suspense and Internet Marketing for Writers & Business

NOW AVAILABLE: Secrets, Lies and Family Ties order your copy now
Coming Soon: Tanner's Devil www.redrosepublishing.com

Connect with me on Facebook http://facebook.com/sylviahubbard & Twitter.com @ username: sylviahubbard1

Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday Morning Motivation - "Is Your Bucket Full?"

Monica Marie Jones Banner

Monday Morning Motivation
"Is Your Bucket Full?"
Monday Morning Motivation Newsletter October 26, 2009
Ronald R. Jones III and Monica Marie Jones Greetings!

Some of the most profound advice and wisdom that I have ever received on life and living has come from children.

The other day my five old nephew and his grandmother (my Mom) got into a heated debate.  He wanted to watch what he wanted to watch on the nice new TV that my brother and I got her for her birthday while jumping on her bed.  She's usually quite patient with his antics because he's just so darn cute, but this time she just couldn't take it anymore.  Needless to say, the disagreement ended with him in tears when he caught her off guard by saying,

"Grandma, you tipped my bucket."

"What?" my mother said, not familiar with the term that he had used.

"I said you tipped my bucket." He repeated.

"Well, what does that mean?" She asked.

"When you make someone angry or upset, you tip their bucket, so you say you're sorry to fill their bucket back up."

Needless to say, she was sold on the idea, so they hugged and made up after which he said,

"Thank you Grandma, now my bucket is full."

Wow!  If only adults could make it that simple.  We argue, hold grudges, talk behind each others backs  and do everything else short of addressing the issues at hand directly.  In his own simple way my nephew introduced my mother to a method to use to reframe conflict.  They discussed  how each of their behaviors affected the other person, they acknowledged one another's feelings, and they came up with a plan together for moving forward. 

When I called for an interview he had no comment, so I asked him to call me back the next day and with reluctance and a little coercion from my mother he did just that.
  The few words that he did have for me left a major impact...

"Aunt Munka (His pronunciation of my name), We want to be bucket fillers."

Enough said.
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Marketing and Motivation
Mondays Radio Show TONIGHT at 8pm EST!

Tune in to Michigan Literary Network Radio atwww.blogtalkradio.com/michiganliterarynetwork
at 8pm Eastern Standard Time to hear my radio show where I will discuss creative ways to market your books and your business on a budget as well has tips for staying motivated as an author and an entrepreneur.  Listen online or call in to listen at (646) 915-9177.


Goddess Girl Magazine Cover Goddess Girl Magazine Feature

Goddess Magazine is the premier online lifestyle magazine for today's urban young women.  Our purpose is to provide teens, ages 14-18, with a positive and clear outlook on today's often harsh society.  Goddess Magazine is a bi-monthly lifestyle magazine that caters to young women's health, fitness, fashion, beauty, and career needs.  Goddess Magazine has added a special flare to the publication; the readers will be the magazine's writers.  This is a great way for teens to express their creativity and establish a special relationship with Goddess Magazine.   

Goddess Magazine is also dedicated to mentoring young women to become leaders and inspire them to connect with themselves and with others!

For More Information contact the editor, Danielle Wideman at Danielle@goddessgirlmag.com.
BBW Reviews Logo Win a FREE copy of Swag and The Ups and Downs of Being Round on the BBW Reviews Blog!

Check out my author interview on the BBW Reviews Blog!  When you leave a comment after reading the interview, you will automatically be entered to win a free copy of Swag and The Ups and Downs of Being Round!  Click here to enter NOW!

As Always, thank you for your time and your support!

Monica Marie Jones
"The Inspirationista!"

The Literary World of Sylvia Hubbard Update

  • The Literary World of Sylvia Hubbard

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  • Good News Talk Show #18 Essence of Motown Literacy Conference

    Posted: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 02:53:57 +0000
    YOUTUBE VIDEO from Good News Talk Show: During this session I interview Sylvia Hubbard she is the Founder of Motown Writers Network they are putting a conference on to promote literacy in Detroit.

    Read free stories from romance suspense, sensual noir author from Detroit, Sylvia Hubbard
  • Protected: The Mysterious Mr. Black Part 8

    Posted: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 01:39:19 +0000
    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

    Read free stories from romance suspense, sensual noir author from Detroit, Sylvia Hubbard
  • Protected: The Mysterious Mr. Black Part 7

    Posted: Sun, 25 Oct 2009 12:33:26 +0000
    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

    Read free stories from romance suspense, sensual noir author from Detroit, Sylvia Hubbard
  • Writers find God in their writing

    Posted: Sat, 24 Oct 2009 23:08:42 +0000
    Just in case you were wondering about The Mysterious Mr. Black… Things are going well in the story. Great feedback from readers and we've gotten past the bad stuff. ….. For now. I...

    Read free stories from romance suspense, sensual noir author from Detroit, Sylvia Hubbard

Sylvia Hubbard
Author, Blogger and Founder of Motown Writers Network & The African American Electronic Literary Network

Author of Romance & Suspense and Internet Marketing for Writers & Business

NOW AVAILABLE: Secrets, Lies and Family Ties order your copy now
Coming Soon: Tanner's Devil www.redrosepublishing.com

Connect with me on Facebook http://facebook.com/sylviahubbard & Twitter.com @ username: sylviahubbard1

Monday, October 19, 2009

New rating systems on SylviaHubbard.com & more updates, plus a big fav and Mr. Black requests

Hey Readers and Writers,

First I want to thank you all for visiting the site and enjoying the free reads.

Recently, I've made updates to various parts of the sites.

Yes, I've been a busy little bee and I would love love love if you could do me a big durn favor.

I've installed a rating meter on the site under various stories and I'd love if you dropped in clicked on some of the free stories available On The Site and then add a rating to them.


Also, if you haven't taken the poll already, I'd appreciate if you could drop in on the recent reader update post and answer the polls listed there.

Reader Update – What's to come for Sylvia Hubbard:Please open and read


And finally in case you haven't done so or you're interested, please request a password for The Mysterious Mr. Black, but only if you're interested in looking at AND will make comments as you read OFTEN. Otherwise, I'd prefer if you waited until the end when the book will be finished and ready for the entire perusal.  I moved the read online portion from the other blog because on this one I can keep better states, release the post the way I want it and do a lot more things regarding this as well.

(Suprina you're excuse because I know you're in the middle of your own WIP, LOL.)

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Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Literary World of Sylvia Hubbard » Work In Progress Update 10/16/09

The Literary World of Sylvia Hubbard » Work In Progress

The Literary World of Sylvia Hubbard » Work In Progress

Protected: The Mysterious Mr. Black Part 1

Posted: 16 Oct 2009 12:53 PM PDT

want more? email sylviahubbard1 at yahoo.com for password and click here for exclusive updates.

Readers: Updated BookChart for Sylvia Hubbard

Posted: 16 Oct 2009 06:05 AM PDT

I'm always being asked about what works I have in progress, what's free, what's ebook, and so forth. I'm trying to be better at organizing everything and I know I can't remind you to check out the book listings all the time, so I constantly update my book chart for everyone. To buy the various books that [...]

Protected: The Mysterious Mr. Black- Introduction

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 09:36 AM PDT

Jen (the woman) is having a very bad life with nowhere to go but up. Fate brings a mysterious stranger to her, yet she can't figure out if he's for the good or the worse.

want more? email sylviahubbard1 at yahoo.com for password and click here for exclusive updates.


all books by Sylvia Hubbard - collect them all!


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