Monday, June 30, 2008

Emperor's Addiction Chapter 15.2

We have our notes back and i'm sooooo happy!

Thank the mayor and my supervisor, LOL.

I was tearing up inside and now I feel a little better.



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Author's Note: Holding On Because of Fire

The notes for Emperor's Addiction is at the city hall, which I stupidly left Friday and now I cannot access.

What's a sistah to do?

Follow her supervisor around until he talks to the Mayor of Detroit because the supervisor needs access to the building for of course inter departmental things.

(you can see the mayor in this video :

I stood there until the mayor told my supervisor that his name would be on the "special list" to enter the building.

You know I begged my supervisor to get my Emperor Addiction's notes and now I wait with baited breath. He just called me and asked me to describe what he was looking for on my desk, so he's gotten into the building.

Gawd! I hope this works because i need the notes to proceed with the story in the right way or I'll be doing a lot of apologizing

Sorry for the delay

Friday, June 27, 2008

Hearts & Posting

I just posted the 1st generation Hearts family tree on my wordpress blog

The comments there have a link jpg to see it better. Sorry bout that.

Not everyone at once though cause it's downloaded from Geocities and you know how they lock people up all the time.

Emperor's Addiction Chapter 15.1

Lilo, if you don't understand, please ask questions. (That goes for all the readers.) That's why I do this live because I value your input and questions into the story.



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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

No more post, but One more Quiz for Maniac Neighbor

In a generous mood this book time aren't I?

Yeah, well I'm researching every book in my head and on paper to make sure I'm getting things right and connecting the dots.

Fun, but my brain feels like it's about to bowl over.

Gotta another story I want to post for you and until I post again - which won't be today, I'll give you this as a test.
Maniac Neighbor
Hell Hathe No Fury Like A Woman's Scorn
Wrote this baby in my Stone's Revenge days when revenge was very prevelant in my life.
Now its greed.
Need a new sin, LOL.
this password to this one is the following:
Name of book (no spaces in lower caps) that Dalton mentions Sharlie Costello.
Now the problem is that I know I have her in my mind in one book, but for some reason I doubted it and thought I mentioned her in another book as well, but I'm not about to do a 15 book search.
So I'll leave it at my first one.
And just because I'm in such a generous mood, I'll let you know, Sharlie has something to do with the Hearts too. She hates them very much especially Dalton Bellini, but he doesn't have many women who like him either because he's even more evil than Sharlie.
BTW, to also pass the time, I've added a new post to my How to Love A Black Woman blog:
I'm not going to say walking away is easy. It never is and I needed a list to recover myself. I'm making it as we speak and talking about it online.
Check it out .

Emperor's Addiction Chapter 14.2

yes Eva, You guessed correctly first.!!!

and I don't know how I stay sane with what's going on inside of my head.



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Emperor's Addiction Chapter 14

Details are so hard to put together.

Now if you have been following ALL the stories you know where Leah is from. (Clue: the eyes) and who's momma she is too, which will have something to do with the Other Side of Love as well.




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Emperor's Addiction Chapter 13.3

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Author's Notes: Questions, Answers & Thank yous!!!

lilo asked: how are these two compatible?

they have the sexual attraction going and i think they're figuring it all out. Yes, there's a significant age different and Emperor still has to get through this because she's still young for him, but I dont think it's his age that bothers Reese but if you mix in his experience then it does make a factor in her attraction to him because he seems "overwhelming" to her.

Suprina: I'd filed a police report on your sister if she doesn't give your "Diary of A. . . " That's going to be a rare commodity soon. LOL.

Diary of A...(you decide)
One woman's journey to find a good man

Carmel Beauty: Yes it was Nevada and I'm still not telling. i'll get into the Sheriff and Pen thing later in this story but remember Sheriff is a Heart which means he does have a flaw and Penn was pretty young too.

Baby Doll

Paula: I'm getting goosed for Lethal too. Even though you know I hate getting in his head. Makes me feel... dangerous and angry all the time. I don't know if I'm bringing Onyx in because she's getting ready for the next story.

Anonymous: Ethan is married to Nicole. His story is in Love Like this (this one's free) and His Substitue Wife...My Sister

Love Like This
The one person he wants to use to get revenge, is the one person he wants the most.

His Substitute Wife... My Sister
Biting the apple was a sin, but when the wife doesn't mind, he's determined to eat it all.

Carmel beauty asked: What is Earth talking about? (that was an interesting curse word, LOl)

Answer: Gotta wait for the story. (this is also for Suprina too)

eva: good observation and i went back and changed that. originally this wasn't an i/r in my head and my fingers didn't catch on to that until afterwards. sorry for the confuddlement.

eva: What's a v-card? I'm sorry. Dreams of reality is the women zombie book (that sounds like my brother talking, LOL.) Lethal wasn't going south to handled the road to freedom chick. he had just handled that but remember Armando came up missing in the book? Yeah, I do remember the florida guy in the book and he was pretty funny mean to me. I should do a spotlight somewhere. Well, he'll most likely make an appearance in Other Side of Love too.

Dreams of Reality

Theirdre (what a beautiful name)
thank you for joining us (and that goes to all the new readers). Thanks for falling in love with the Hearts. I'm so in love with them too. to find out all the hearts in the different stories here's the blog post:

thank yous

I wanted to thank you all for your encouraging words. I've been listening to Brian McKnight "Feel Good" Playlist on my Zune since Sunday and it's really getting to me about what i want. I love him to death and to be honest, I did want to throw my durn panties on the stage at him. (When they were all wet and sweaty) Okay, TMI, LMAO.

Getting back to work because amazingly I'm doing details today on the story and then I have to work on two other books by two other authors and then do my homework.

It's pretty amazing the time I'm freed up with when I don't have anyone to call...

Although a funny thing happened on the way to work this morning.

Getting on the over head subway in Downtown detroit, there's this well dressed black guy in long black pants and a stripped white shirt. HE HAS THESE LONG DREDS AND I CAN'T STOP LOOKING AT HIM. When he looks at me and damn if he doesn't have nice grey eyes. I was shocked and turned on because all i could think about was Lethal and how I really wanted to just walk up to this guy and kiss him like I would if he was Lethal holding on to his dreds while he tucked his hands under my ...

Okay, I better save that for SI 3 cause we're all going to need the change our panties in the middle of the day.


Yeah, TMI again.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Emperor's Addiction Chapter 13.2

here's some more before i take a mental break



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Emperor's Addiction Chapter 13.1

I know i'm late posting, but it's a Monday and I work hard - or hardly word.

Lot has happened over the weekend. I think My world turned upside down and rightside up all in two days. See my weekend complaint by clicking here

Again I apologize as to why it took so long, but if you read the other post, you'll see why.

thanks for your patience...



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Friday, June 20, 2008

Emperor's Addiction Chapter 12.1

this might be my last post for the end of the day.

going on a cruise tonight and i'm excited.

I'm doign a VIP event. Lawd, you know it's hard to put the ghetto girl to the side and act like i been ed-ja-ma-cated, LOL.

but i gotta so i gotta .... I mean I have to (sticking pinky finger out to look sophisticated). ROFLMAO.

Yes, you will scream hollar and FINALLY get your answers. No threats in the texts to the cell phone okay. And no checking Expedia for flight times. I might not even be at home all weekend, plus I still have that renewal on several restraining orders and i'm not afraid to enforce them.


Y'all are funny when y'all frustrated... oops, supposed to be "you all." (chuckling).



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Emperor's Addiction Chapter 11.3

Okay, this one took a moment because I had to go back and do some digging.

In this post I mention several players for people who have read me before should know about and will be happy just to say hello!

If you've never read me a lot then you should know, everything the characters say or do has to do with something else either in the story or in ANOTHER story.

Emperor's Addiction is actually opening the door for three other stories, one of which is listed on the Work In Progress link (yes, I will update that soon)

The other stories linked to this one are:

Other Side of Love - this one will be my introduction to the new family you've all been hearing about: The Bellini's. I've been asked a lot of questions about them and actually I thought of this family way before the Hearts. Well that's because William Stone of Stone's Revenge has a connection to them. (No, I won't tell you how). You'll meet Faith and Armando Bellini. Yes this will be an interracial. Plus I have Taylor Bellini, that evil heifer from Drawing The Line (correct me if I'm wrong).

King's Paradise - This is the story of King Heart that will intertwine actually a lot of stories in one. The continuation of Silent Lynx (which Emperor's Addiction has to do with too) and the struggle to end the battle between Lethal and King. Plus, You'll get that exotic gorgeous looking sistah again from His Substitute Wife...My Sister (betcha can't guess her name) and who I'm gonna hook her up with. (But I'm still not tellin'!).

And finally Stealing Innocence III. I'm setting it up now so it's little work when I have to get it out there. Yeah, you'd be amazed at what goes on in my head and if I could eat popcorn while I was sleeping (kettle corn peferably).

Now for Emperor's Addiction Question and comments: Yes, Em got it together. No I'm not telling ages. Keep reading and you'll find out. Yes, I like making you feel icky and uncomfortable and pushed to the limit, but that means I'm doing a darn good job.

Keep reading. Trust me. I'll get it together. This is off the top of my head people and you know I really have one direction - make love work and cause agony while doing it.

bear with me just a little longer.

Oh yeah and to respond to another question that was emailed to me : No I do not have the recipe to the Gaston's Desire, LOL. Yes it did sound wonderful and good but really I made that up. Lawd da help: I'm emailing Bobby Flay for help! LOL



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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Author's Notes

RQ: What is Emperor's age and what is Reese's age?

Emperor is about 34 -35. You'll find out Reese's age soon.

RQ: Who is the Hearts in Chicago and how can I find out about them?

As explained earlier, Emperor and Sheriff come from the Hearts of Chicago. I don't know if you've recognized by now, the Chicago Hearts usually have titled names or colors.
  • King
  • Queen
  • Emperor
  • Sheriff
  • Prince
and then there's also Blaque and Red.

You can read Sex Weed to find out history of King and Queen. King is also in Sin's Iniquity too. Sheriff's story is in Baby Doll and Red's story is in Red Heart. Prince Heart has his story in Cabin Heart. Blaque comes in as a mercenary in Teach Me To Love. There's no other single story about these characters.

RQ: What's the beef between sexy Lethal and King?

Read Sex Weed.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Emperor's Addiction Chapter 11.2

Silly me I did it again. I'm using some of the Hearts and I didn't introduce the new readers to let them know who they are.
If you don't know Sheriff's story, it's in another book called BABY DOLL.

BTW, I'm in the midst of another book in my head and I can't think of a slutty but cool topless dancers name. I know some of you are out there and have heard some good ones. NOthing like X.T.C. or Sugar. I want something that's so good I cant help but to use it.

okay, enjoy...


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Emperor's Addiction Chapter 11

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Emperor's Addiction Chapter 10.2

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Author's Notes

In case you are new, Author's Notes could mean something good and bad. Most time, like today it's to answer questions I get offline.

Readers Question: Why did I post today? I thought you only posted on M, W & F?
Even though i said I was sticking to a three day schedule, I decided to post today because I didn't post hardly at all yesterday and i was making up for it.

RQ: Why are you being evasive with Reese's ages? I'm enjoyingthe story but I'm getting uncomfortable until I'm sure of her age and I really want to enjoy this story. If you've read any of my other stories before, you know that i don't play well with others. I push the envelope and making you feel uncomfortable is a cruel but intentional purpose to my writing. What's erotica? What's nasty? When do you cross the line? When has a line been cross? Being uncomfortable something none of us like to feel, but you're reading. Not performing, or doing or anything else where no one will know about. So that means I'm doing a good job if you're feeling uncomfortable.

RQ: Why can't i just download the story piece by piece like you used to have on Lulu?Because at the end, Lulu didn't refresh the cookies and people would pay for a download and not be able to receive it.

Personal Note:

I'm in the process of decided on the next paper back release which I hope to do by the end of this year. I wanted to make it available on Amazon and my site, so I need your help AGAIN.

Pick one (Only one) of the following which you enjoyed. I choose the top fan favorites.

Now I did have a lot of downloads for Sex Weed, but I've decided to keep this an ebook a litte while longer.

Emperor's Addiction Chapter 10.1

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Emperor's Addiction Chapter 9.2

Yes, I'm know you're eager to read the post because of course we're getting near the good part.

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Fw: Emperor's Addiction Chapter 9.1

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Monday, June 16, 2008

Emperor's Addiction Chapter 8.3

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Emperor's Addiction Chapter 8.2

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Can I be featured on your blog?

In my work to promote my book Secrets, Lies and Family Ties, I'm sending this out to a couple of my author friends asking them for a favor. Now usually author friends are asking us to purchase their books, but I don't even want that.


Can I be featured on your blog?


In return, I'll gladly feature you on my blog at:


If you're read Secrets, Lies and Family Ties, I'd like you to do a review on Amazon and make sure you mention your book at the end of the review. 


If you would like to find out more about the book, click over to the link at:

Sylvia Hubbard
Author, Blogger and Founder of Motown Writers Network
Coming Soon May 2008: Secrets, Lies and Family Ties

Emperor's Addiction Chapter 8.1

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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Lies & Family Ties on An Hour To Empower

Lies & family Ties, by author Sylvia Hubbard
Sylvia has independently published 4 paperback books and 10 e-books and she is the founder of the Motown Writers Network and The Michigan Literary Network, chairperson to The Essence of Motown Literary Conference Jam and CEO of HubBooks Literary Services. Sylvia will discuss how we allow family and friend issues to interfere with our relationships and how we try to separate ourselves from past issues instead of dealing with them. http://sylviahubbard.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Emperor's Addiction Chapter 7.2

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Emperor's Addiction Chapter 7.1

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Emperor's Addiction Chapter 6.2

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Fwd: Detroit Literary Empowerment Gala

Detroit Literary Empowerment Gala
August 22, 2008
6:30 pm - 11:00 pm
Charles H. Wright Museum 


Second Time Media and Communications presents The 2008 Detroit Literary Empowerment Gala, Friday, August 22, 2008 to not only acknowledge, but celebrate those who tirelessly promote literacy, cultural awareness and diversity in the city of  Detroit and its surrounding cities. The founders of the Gala felt that it was important that these arts, where appreciation has been long lost were due to be celebrated.
The gala's mission is to honor individuals and benefit organizations who have shown excellence and dedication in empowering our youth. One of our selected non- profit organization this year is Outfits for Angels. Their purpose is to provide our youth with the essential clothing and supplies needed for school.   Recognizing these individuals who have dedicated themselves to improving the image of the city and preparing us for the "New Detroit" is not only important but necessary.
You will be treated to dinner and live entertainment as well as a literary awards ceremony. Reserve your spot today. This is an event you don't want to miss.
Get your tickets today!

The gala is presented by Second Time Media & Communications in partnership with Perfect Presence Event Planning. For more information contact: 313-263-2711

Sylvia Hubbard
Author, Blogger and Founder of Motown Writers Network
Coming Soon May 2008: Secrets, Lies and Family Ties



Stranger 2 Love (Another Free Read... If...)

feeling weird.\

Stories are popping in my head that are so good I just have to share a little.

Bout three in the morning, i awoke, grabbed my laptop and started to try to work on EA, but then pulled up word, saw a blank screen and another story just fell out on the paper.

I think it's because of personal frustration with the current beau. He's working more and i'm having withdrawel symptoms.

But of course, i'm not just gonna give it to ya.

You're going to have to work for it.

So let's make this a little harder because you guys are like supersmart.

The password to this one is the name of the youngest child Charisse Sheridan had in His Substitute Wife...My Sister.

Clue: It's also connected to someone else in that story as well.

Go To:

And tell me what you think of it either here or there.

See you tomorrow with more of Emperor's Addiction and remember to keep passing the word so we can get more readers.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Emperor's Addiction Chapter 6

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Emperor's Addiction Chapter 5.3

She took a deep breath and stared up at the ceiling. If she didn't look at him, those sensual lips that begged for more of his kisses wouldn't captivate her. 'Don't even mention the fear,' she ordered herself. "There are too many to name, Emperor." She looked everywhere except him.

            "Name one," he persisted.

            Reese knew he was staring right at her, but she forced herself to find anything and everything to look at, excerpt him! "I'm a virgin." It was becoming easier to admit this. She gasped as his hand moved down to her groin and gently threaded his fingers through her hair. "I -I shouldn't just give myself…" She took a quick breath fighting for control as a fog of lust filled her head. "…myself… away like this so easily."

            Emperor leaned down so close she could feel his breath on her erected dark pink nipple. He watched as she closed her eyes and her breathing increased. Yes, she wanted him. He could smell her need, see her need, and wanted to bend her will to his. Did she know how damn good she looked with her hair down out of its tight bun? It was everywhere around her head and the bed.

            She looked like the goddess Aphrodite - ready to be claimed. And just as Adonis lay with Aphrodite, Emperor planned to make Reese his own despite the consequences.

            Moving his fingers easily between the womanly plump lips, he delicately stroked her thick tender button. Reese threw her head back and her hands moved to grip her breast to cease the throbbing that was pulsing hard inside of her. His member shot up to full excitement as he watch her grind her hips into the bed, bite her lip and reveal in the torturous teasing his fingers elicit.

            He couldn't stop himself. Her need was so great and he didn't want to let her go. Yet, his own body screamed to join with her. There was something much greater than her own virginity that was stopping her and it had nothing to do with morals or principals.

            Emperor never stopped watching her as his palm moved faster. He could just imagine how tight her cavern would grip his member and how her body would crave for more.

            "Em… Em…oh… what are… yyyyooooouuu… doooiiinn'!" She could barely speak as the orgasm gripped every nerve endings in her body.

             Just watching the orgasm grip her body was powerful enough to send him over the edge and he found himself rolling on his stomach and gripping the covers as he ejaculated onto his sheets.

            They were both panting uncontrollable, but she was first to come to her senses. His hand was still between her legs and just resting. It was a comforting sensation, but she blushed knowing what this "hand" had just done to her.

            Looking at him now, she bit her lip wanting to say the words he had just told her he hated to hear from her lips, but she knew it was the right thing to do, before she was tempting even more.

            "Emperor," she called softly.

            His face turned to her and they stared at each other for a long time, until he said lightly, "I know, Reese. You should go." He moved his hand away from her and closed his eyes.

            She sat up in the bed to look down at the floor for her clothes. Reese hadn't realized how high and how large the bed was until now. It was perfect for him, but her feet were about a half a foot off the floor. She had to slide down to get off the bed, because she didn't want to take the chance of crawling over him in order to use the stool at the end of the bed.

            He was far from sleep, but he was taking deep breaths.

Reading the clock on his bed, she gasped. If she didn't hurry, her mother would kill her! Looking around frantically for her shoe she heard him say in a calm voice, "Check under the bed."

            Reese dropped to her knees and saw the shoe right in her face. "Thank you," she said, sliding it on quickly. The fact that he knew what she was looking for without her even asking or without opening his eyes was creepy.

            Once she was dressed, she stared at his dark physique as he laid perfectly still on the bed with his arms now behind his head. She really wanted to memorize every inch of dark skin on his body because she had feeling she wouldn't see him like this ever again.

            Emperor exuded power and strength, even as he lay there on the bed in a somewhat deceptive calm manner as if everyone looked like him naked - far from it. That was very far from the truth!

            He hadn't moved one bit and she wondered if he was still in pain.

            She started for the doorway until she heard his tranquil deep voice.

            "Will I see you again, Reese?"

            The question was actually a shock to her. It amazed her that he had admitted wanting her in the first place, but now that he knew she couldn't give him anything that he desired, she would think he didn't want anything to do with her. Emperor Heart could have a harem of women fighting for him. He probably did, yet he still desired to see her?

            "L-Like this?" she asked hesitantly in disbelief.

            Emperor bent his head forward and opened his eyes to look at her. That was about all the movement and Reese didn't know if she should feel insulted or not.

            "Will I ever see you again alone, Reese? Even if it's just to talk. I haven't rescinded my offer to use the guest house. The keys are in the same drawer where I told you the extra cell phone is."

            She really didn't know how to answer him. Her mind was still reeling at the idea that he wanted her. There's got to be a catch.

            Her lack of answering obviously upset him and he propped his hand up to his head to slightly raise his body more. A very cold demeanor came over him and she felt as if she were in the room with a very different man at that moment.

            "I guess that means no." Emperor didn't give her time to answer. "So be it Reese. I'll see you when I see you."

            Reese only nodded unsure how to make of everything that had happened. Had she really hurt his feelings? No, that was impossible. Women were probably knocking over his door to get a chance to spend one second with him. Why would he care whether she wanted to see him or not? He was only being nice to her because she was a friend to his daughter. And she really wasn't a friend of Eartha's. More like an associate or even further than that. Eartha like to speak with her every once in a while and really only if it had to do with schoolwork, but nothing more than a passing acquaintance.

            Emperor was just feeling compassion for Reese. That was all.

            Reese made her way out the house as quickly as possible and when she got in her car, she quickly fixed her hair.

            Looking back at the house, she wondered was he still lying there on the bed.


Emperor's Addiction Chapter 5.3 (c) 2008 Sylvia Hubbard. All Rights Reserved

Sylvia Hubbard
Author, Blogger and Founder of Motown Writers Network
Coming Soon May 2008: Secrets, Lies and Family Ties

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Emperor's Addiction Chapter 5.2

            Why had she come back? Reese wanted to knock her head against the steering wheel. She had given little effort at the door, knocking only once and ringing the doorbell slightly, because she was just going to say she had made an attempt and then that would be it. Her life was too complex already to even involve him, so getting him out of her life would be better.

            Yet, as she drove away, she was killing herself emotionally about her half attempt. 'He's there,' her mind said. 'You know he's there and you're just trying to avoid him, when you really want to see him.'

            Reese needed to avoid him because she knew if they hadn't been in the copier room, she would have given him what those dark eyes of his clearly told her he wanted.

            So she turned the corner and came back around not believing she was seeing him stand out the house. When she put the car in park, she could still feel it roll. Grabbing the cinderblock from behind the passenger seat, she got out of the car and placed it quickly in front of the tire.

            Emperor watched her the entire time not saying anything until she stood up and walked toward him.

            "What's that for?"

            "Protection," she lied.

            He only looked at her as if he weren't about to believe a word she said.

            "My brakes are bad," she embarrassingly admitted.

            "I'll fix them," he offered.

            "This is why I didn't want to tell you about them in the first place. Just pretend you didn't see that, okay?" she said a little frustrated.

            "Are you saying you don't want me to help you?" he asked.

            Reese took a deep relaxing breath. Getting upset over something so minute' was silly, because she wasn't addressing the real problem at hand. "I just came over here about your offer, Mr. Heart."

            He stiffened slightly hearing the formal name again. "At least you came to tell me face to face instead of trying to avoid me."

            "Why would I want to do a thing like that?" she asked, praying he couldn't read her mind because that was exactly what she had planned to do.

            Em shrugged a large shoulder. "I thought you might feel uncomfortable about the whole thing after..." He flushed this time a bit embarrassed.

            It was really hard not noticing how sexy he was standing there as the wind whipped about his shirt giving her teases of his chest hair. He was barefoot with blue, custom fit dress pants on and although improper, Reese couldn't help noticing everything about him.

            "I take it you didn't tell your mother on me or anyone else," he assumed.

            "My mother wouldn't believe me and neither would anyone else," she admitted honestly. Everyone would think she was just dreaming the whole incident. Emperor Heart was trying to make love to her in the school's copier room? They would wrap her up in a white jacket quicker than stopping crazy. She wasn't even going to think about what Juanita would do to her.

            "Please, come in," he offered.

            It was too easy to acquiesce to his will, but she fought it. "No, Mr. Heart," she said shaking her head. "I think I should stay out here. Especially after what's happened."

            His chest felt suddenly heavy because he thought she might refuse to spend time at the guesthouse. He couldn't think of anything else that would make her stay or come back to him and he really needed her so he could figure out what his problem was as to why he couldn't get her off his mind.

            She continued. "I think I should let you know something very important and it was one of the reasons why I returned everything." Pausing a moment, finding it difficult to speak, she said, "My mother likes you."

            No emotions appeared on his face, so the knowledge didn't affect him, but maybe he didn't understand what she was saying.

            "Can we just go in and speak on this?" he asked.

            Checking her watch, Reese knew she had more than enough time. Most likely, even if Juanita did call and check on her the examiners would say testing wasn't done for another three hours. Reese had managed to finish the test very quickly and correctly, and then drove like a mad woman over to his home on the Eastside of Detroit.

            "Alright," she conceded and walked in with him.

            He led her to the office and leaned on his desk, urging her to continue after she refused to sit down and instead stand in front of the desk looking very uncomfortable with her arms crossed and her back stiff. The dress she wore today seemed even more hideous than ever and he had to wonder if Juanita really tried to find ugly whenever she shopped for clothes for Reese. If it wasn't color that made her seem pale, then it was the long sleeves and ankle skirts with the thick stockings all the time that would turn off a nympho. On top of that that thick glasses and ugly hair style piled on unsightliness.

            With little hesitation, Reese said, thinking he still didn't understand about Juanita's lust for "her Emperor." "She writes passionately about having you in her journal, Mr. Heart, and I don't want to get in the way of what she wants."

            "I understand what you said," he said briskly. "But your mother's attraction to me has nothing to do with you and me, Reese."

            "That's where you're wrong, Emperor," she said passionately, not realizing she had spoken his name.

            He had noticed and so did the enemy between his legs. Em gripped the edge of the desk, digging his nails into the thick wood. It took all his strength to not go over there and attack her with his hands and mouth.

            She continued, "My mother has a lot to do with the decisions I make in life. She's alone in this world and all she has is me. If I leave, she has no one."

            Licking his lips, he said, "So you feel she is your responsibility? Don't you think you're a bit young to be worrying about your mother's wants and needs? She isn't incapable of taking care of herself? She seems like she is a normal, healthy person. You're responsibility is too yourself right now, not your mother," he stressed.

            Deciding to cut to the chase, he asked, "How damn old are you anyway?"

            Narrowing those diamond blues, she wanted to sneer, 'Too young to be anyway pressed against your body.' Instead, she said, "Too young to even consider something physical with you, because I don't want anything like that with you."

            "That's not answering my-"

            "My age has nothing to with anything, Emperor."

            He gripped he desk harder feeling the splinters starting to dig in his skin. "Your age has everything to do with anything that has to do with us."

            "No, it doesn't My mother wants you and what she wants, she gets. Point blank and I can't fight her." She threw her hands up in defeat. "You just don't understand."

            Em walked to her slowly as he spoke. "I understand that you want to hide behind her to avoid facing what you really need and want. I understand that you expect me to take into consideration that she wants me and you don't? I understand that you're lying to yourself if you believe that crack of shit, because I was there in the copier room with you and I felt your wetness, I tasted your sweetness and I saw your passion." By now he was inches away from her and he delighted in watching her captivated by his words. Emperor wasn't thinking logically and he knew it. This was so wrong on so many levels and he knew he could jeopardized everything having her here, but his bed was fourteen long strides away from where they stood and he could have her in it in five seconds - if she would let him.

            The temptation was just too great.

            Reese tried pretending the tingling had not increased every step he took toward her. Breathing had become difficult and her mind screamed for her to get out of there, but just the thought of being in this man's fevering dark glare was too mesmerizing. Curiosity was killing her to know if he was going to kiss her again. She had dreamed of it over and over again, wanted it so many days and hours, masturbated to the memories hundreds of times since that day.

            Now, as he stood there looking down at her, there was nothing to be said because if she refuted his words she would be lying. If she acknowledged his words, she would be admitting her need for him had been as great as his passion for her.

            Emperor's mind demanded that he stop, but as his hands rose to remove her glasses, and she made no attempt to prevent him, he knew he had her and that alone aroused him to full capacity.

            Reaching around the back of her, he pulled every pin out of her hair, until her thick natural curly dark blonde flowed down to her shoulders. He moved his fingers through her nape, relishing its softness, excited in knowing that there was a beauty underneath that prudish attire. The tip of his nose nuzzled her cheek and caressed her neck, and then his lips suckled her ear, moved up to her forehead and planted small kisses downward until he was pressing against her lips.

            Her response was immediate. Her body seemed to be caught in a spell. She couldn't find the strength to fight him and she didn't want to. It felt so good and so right as his mouth ravaged hers. His tongue dipped between her lips savoring her flavor, encircling her own oral muscle until they seem to become one.

            That feeling of flying filled her and she realized he was taking the steps to his room two at a time, not breaking a sweat. He didn't stop kissing her until he was lying her down on his bed. This time the sheets were silky green, but that was still a stark contrast to her pale skin. He rose above her unbuttoning his shirt.

            Reese looked down remembering how he had stood so many weeks ago naked in front of her. The member that had been soft at the time was now hardened and pressed tightly inside the dress pants. A little bit of fear enveloped her as he leaned down and began to kiss her neck and unbutton her own shirt.

            "Emperor," she said, needing to tell him something before his wonderful kisses made her forget.

            Between his lips making contact with her neck and shoulder, he said, "Don't talk, Reese. Just feel." He didn't want her to think about anything. Hell, he didn't want to think about anything because all he would think about how wrong everything he was doing was wrong.

            Just as she was about to protest more, his mouth enclosed around her dark pink areole and all thought of objection evaporated as an overwhelming urge to scream gripped her throat. Never in her life would she ever think just a simple kiss to that place by another human being could produce something inside of her so powerful. He didn't just stop with a kiss, though. His tongue swirled about the tip, and then he sucked her skin deeply in his mouth. It was sheer ecstasy and even better when he switched to her other one and performed the same delicious ministrations.

            Throwing her head back and running her fingers through his hair as she relaxed her body, she suddenly remembered what she wanted to say to him and urgently pressed on his shoulders. "Emperor," she urged.

            He groaned loving the sweet way she called his name.

            "Please Emperor, I should tell you something," she begged and then gasped as his mouth moved down her stomach.

            He pushed her skirt, stockings, and panties down her legs and nestled his mouth over her delicate vertex. His thick tongue snaked about every part of her secret untouched nook lavishing the taste exciting himself in the process.

            By her reaction to his mouth, he was positive he knew no man had ever touched her and this realization brought so many emotions inside of him and he knew once he laid claim to her, which he fully intended despite his subconscious objections he would never want to let her go. She would be his forever. He would be her first and her last.

            Reese hadn't realized that she was so sensitive in certain places, but it didn't tickle. Oh no, his mouth created a raging flush of pleasurable desire that vibrated through the deepest part of her belly and through every vein of her body. If she wasn't biting her lip to stifle a scream, she was calling out his name. In one second she couldn't breath; in the next she was sucking up too much air. Her body was on sensual fire all over and she relished burning in the blaze he produced.

            Suddenly, he moved away from her and finished removing her clothes. She sat up when he was done to watch him undress himself. If someone had told her that a large handsome black man would be her first she would never have believed. It was tantalizing to watch as he revealed his gorgeous large muscular body to her. Broad shoulders, almost perfectly sculptured chest with a light soft meadow of pitch black hair that left his hardened nipples exposed. His stomach was rippled with muscles and her eyes took note of his lean waist as they continued to follow the path of soft black hair to a thicker forest with what looked like the size of a tree stump sticking out of it.

            The horror in her gray/blue eyes was very relevant at the thought of what she was about to do. All of a sudden, she didn't feel so well as he started to climb on the bed with that very passionate glare in his dark raven eyes.

            Putting her hands on his shoulders to stop him knowing fully well he could knock them away and have his way with her because he was huge - and it wasn't just between his legs - she was grateful he paused to meet her eyes.

            "I know this isn't a good time to say this but we shouldn't, Emperor," she started firmly.

            "I know that, but he doesn't. I want you, Reese. I know this is wrong on so many levels." Tenderly, he leaned forward and kissed her cheek, both her eyelids; slid over to her ear and suckled her earlobe. In a fevered whispered after nipping on her neck, he said, "You excite every fiber in my body. Damn the consequences, I promise I won't hurt you."

            She almost relished in the near sincere begging of his voice. Emperor Heart really wanted her. It was like some high level fantasy that really turned her on. His passion and wantonness for her vibrated almost through his skin, yet he was waiting patiently for her acquiesce as he played havoc with her neck using his lips, tongue and teeth.

            Reese closed her eyes to accept what was to come so aroused by his mouth. He groaned a thank you as his mouth attacked hers with so much zeal; she could barely keep up with his tongue. His hands were everywhere exciting her, massaging her, worshipping every part of pale pink skin he could reach loving how his body contrasted so much with hers and not being able to stop wanting to feel her flesh on his.

            A thick digit pressed inside of her wetness and she gasped, but relaxed as he withdrew yet re-entered soon after. It was pure bliss as she felt the need to be complete with him grow and his whispered promises of pleasure mellowed her guard, until that hardened demon pressed on the inside of her thigh and the fear instantly returned. By now, he was fully covering her and had moved between her legs. Their bodies were pressed together and she was amazed as she opened her eyes to know he was not allowing his full body weight to lie on top of her. He was able to hold himself up enough to make her not feel uncomfortable.

            The fear screamed in her head as that member now rested in the valley of her moist cavern. She broke the kiss and again pressed her hands on his shoulders. Reluctantly, he held himself up and she looked down to see the dark tip of him resting on her blonde groin looking like a cannon about to explode. It was tempting to touch, but she resisted this temptation as she forced her eyes back up to meet his.

            "I'm a virgin, Emperor," she announced.

            "I know," he said strained.

            Frowning, she asked, "How did you know?"

            He sighed in sexual frustration. "Do you think I would be promising not to hurt you if I knew you couldn't take me like a normal woman could, Reese?"

            It made sense, but … there was something nagging at her own mind, yet she wasn't sure how to express this. "I should go."

            Emperor groaned and it sounded painful, but she couldn't see his face at that moment because he had buried his nose in the crook of her neck.

            "I'm sorry," she said, feeling bad that he was "in pain," but touched he was trying to respect her wishes despite his own arousal. Reese wouldn't admit her fear of him, because he would probably call her juvenile when she didn't want to be thought that way. If her mother's infatuation with him stopped, then Reese would still want to offer herself to him, once she got over her fear, but right now was not the time to proceed.

            "I knew you were going to say that." He lifted up. His black eyes were still smoldering, but there was actually amusement in them as well. "Do you know how much I hate those words when you say them?"

            "You mean I'm sorry?" she questioned slightly confused.

            "No. I mean that I should go shit." Emperor buried his nose in the crook of her neck again, wincing a little trying to compose himself.

            Reese wondered what kind of pain could he be in, but she didn't feel like there was a threat that he would force himself on her because she could actually feel his manhood becoming just a little bit soft. She relaxed completely and was almost tempted to touch him as he had touched her, but she resisted that temptation too.

            Who would ever believe she had lain with Emperor Heart naked, skin to skin?

            Suddenly, he rolled to her side, but kept his hand on her belly to hold her there. He used his other hand to prop his head up to look down at her. Reese felt the pressure on her stomach and knew he didn't want her to leave, but she felt so self-conscious with this being the first time she had ever lain naked with a man… no, he was a true black Adonis.

            "Tell me one good reason why we should stop, aside from all the damn moral and society rules, Reese?" he demanded with his tone filled with guilt and sarcasm.


Emperor's Addiction Chapter 5.2 (c) 2008 Sylvia Hubbard All Rights Reserved.

Sylvia Hubbard
Author, Blogger and Founder of Motown Writers Network
Coming Soon May 2008: Secrets, Lies and Family Ties


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