Bed Stuy Author Gregg Burton takes readers away to a world where all bets are off the minute the ship leaves port. What Happens Overseas Stays Overseas lets the reader leave their problems landside, to follow the escapades of an ensemble cast comprised of romantically complex characters.
? Watch a reformed lothario slide back into his field-playing ways.
? Follow a sexually frustrated housewife as she finds trouble and satisfaction away from home.
? Look in on a lover longing to return home, but finding dark truths along the way.
? Walk with a young soul looking to shed a short lifetime of heartache.
Each one of these characters find themselves slipping down paths that are quite different from what they expected from ! your average naval deployment.
Burton sets his sensuous, but intricate tale in the military world of the U.S. Navy. However, Burton’s Navy is not the one you’ve heard about in the news. On this naval vessel, there’s seduction, secrets, and complex couplings that threaten to ruin the lives each sailor has left waiting back at home.
Biography: Burton is a Brooklynite who hails from the infamous town of Waco, Texas. He came by the military experience showcased in his book, What Happens Overseas Stays Overseas honestly. Burton left Texas for the U.S. Navy in 1999. Those four years overseas gave Burton an insider’s eye to a world that few people know or even understand. Upon leaving that world, Burton stumbled upon his unique talent. While working with a group of women, lovers of mainstream erotic fiction, Burton picked up his first piece of erotic literature. Instead of blushing and then thrusting the novel aside, this future author studied its content, intrigued by a genre he hadn’t known existed.
His first product was a short story that friends and family analyzed and raved about. Burton moved on to poetry and a full-length novel What Happens Overseas Stays Overseas that was published in 2010. It draws on Burton’s naval experience, but is not written from a male perspective. Instead of becoming a tangled mess, What Happens Overseas Stays Overseas is a fluid, thrilling, and wildly entertaining foray into the provocative lives of four very complicated characters.
Interview with Gregg:
1. When did you start writing erotica?a. It’s something that I’ve always done. I got serious after reading erotica and seeing what it was. I knew that I could tell those kinds of stories in a way that people can relate to them or take something away from them.
2. How much did you draw from your military background for this book?a. Of course, the book is fiction. So, don’t go thinking that these people really exist. They don’t. With that said, people outside the military need to know that the men and women in uniform are the same as the people in regular clothes. They are not robotic or hardcore individuals. They are just like you and me. They also have the same drama, problems, and romantic hang-ups as everyone else.
3! . Your book is written in a female voice, why should women trust it? 

a. Why not? If a story is a good, one that readers can lose themselves in, that’s the only thing that matters. Don’t worry about the person weaving the tale. That person is not in the story; he—or I—just wrote it. Avid readers pick up a book, read the back cover, the first of last chapter to determine if it is a good book anyway. Like the puppet masters used to say, “Pay no attention to the man pulling the strings behind the curtain.” Just sit back and enjoy the story.
4. What is Tahli’s Publishing?a. It is a company I started in order to publish market and promote my book along with others eventually. You can find out more about the company at
5. Speaking of your website, on there you talk about a new genre in fiction. What is that?a. You mean Romatica. It is a term that describes what we like to call the sensuous fiction genres, erotica and romance. The premise is that a good sensuous story has elements of both, but is not overpowered by them. The “steamy scenes” are all some of these writers concentrate on, but readers wa! nt more. They want a good story that holds their attention from the first page until the last. They want characters that are worth investing precious time in. With Romatica, you not only get a good steamy story, you get a quality piece of fiction—a good story--that is predominantly lacking in today’s market.
6. How do intend to get this genre off the ground?a. That’s where the Love Romatica Campaign comes in. Right now, it is an open forum to get people thinking and expressing their views on the state of erotic and romantic fiction today. Like every grassroots movement, the discussion will educate and empower lovers of sensuous fiction to question current standards. We welcome the questioning because that leads to change. All we want is to bring quality back to erotic and romantic fiction, while losing the stigma attached to them.
7. Where can we find out more ! about your efforts?a. You can look me up at
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